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A two-week electro-etching workshop/residency grant in the island of Gran Canaria, Spain. August 2017

A two-week electro-etching workshop/residency grant in the island of Gran Canaria, Spain. August 2017

The electro-etching residency-workshop introduces the artist to an alternative printmaking technique, safer than traditional intaglio etching. It uses a completely non-toxic electrical process, avoiding totally the harmful acids, sprays, rosins and asphalts for aquatints used in traditional etching.

The artist Alfonso Crujera, a master printmaker and specialist in the different techniques employed when etching with electrolysis leads the residency-workshop.

The resident artist will be introduced to the fascinating process of electro-etching copper and zinc plates. He will have access to the master’s direct and personal assistance and will have the opportunity to develop their current knowledge of non-toxic etching using electricity, applying these techniques to their own work. The artist will also learn how to assemble an electro-etching unit themselves, so they will be able to continue electro-etching in their own studio back home.


Theoretical content

• Rudiments of electrolysis

• History of electro-etching

• Principles of electro-etching

• The electro-etching unit.

• How set up an electro-etching unit from the beginning

    (You do not need any previous knowledge of electricity)

• Preparing the electrolyte

• Voltage and amperage

Practical content

• Preparation of the plate, including filing and degreasing

• Hard ground, etching lines

• Electrotint with open bite

• Graphite resists for lines and electrotint

• Soft ground

• Passive electro-etching on zinc plates

• Semi-dry electro-etching

• Alternative resists (lithographic pencil, oxidation, splashing, electroplate, etc.)

• Safety rules

Use of studio and professional attention

A reasonable timetable will be offered to guide and advise the artists on the technique of electro-etching, four hours a day for five days a week. The workshop will be at their disposal 24 hours a day. The necessary equipment to etch (electrolytic unit, tools, acrylic and oil based resists, proof inks, solvents) will be provided at the workshop.

Language: English and Spanish

Grant explanation

Grant for two artists under thirty, Fine Arts graduates between 2012 and 2016 with experience in intaglio printmaking.

The grant consists of free accommodation for two weeks and the trip to and from the airport to the residence at the beginning and end of the stay. This represents a saving of the artist of €475.

Those selected must pay their trip to Gran Canaria, their food, and instruction in electro-etching.

Workshop and instruction: €1,235.

Price does not include papers and plates, which should be brought by the artists.

Health Insurance is obligatory.


Each artists accommodation consists of a single room with a private bathroom and shower, and kitchen to prepare food, free internet, and an art library. The laundry can be done in the family home. See pictures.

Location of the residence-workshop

The island of Gran Canaria, Spain

Dates for the residence

• July 31st to August 12th, 2017

• August 21st to September 2nd, 2017

Application Information

To apply for the grant artists should send an e-mail to  including a CV, copy of graduation certificate, brief biography, five pictures of prints and a statement of why he/she wants to attend the Electro-etching workshop (200 words maximum).

Grant Registration Form

Application deadline

December 11th, 2016

Selection process

A committee from to the residence-workshop will make the selection of the two artists based mainly on the applicant`s artwork and the statement of interest.

Applicants will be informed before January 15th, 2017.

Acceptance of the grant *

On acceptance of the grant the selected artists must pay before January 31, 2017 a non-refundable deposit of 30% of the amount for instruction (€375.50) in our bank account. This amount will be deducted from the total when the artist attends the residence.

* Failure to comply with these conditions will void any commitment of director of the residence-workshop with the selected artist, who will be replaced with another candidate.

More information about the residence

• More information about the artists in residence. 2016-2105 - 2014-2011

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