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Kolejna edycja Programu Rozwoju (ADP) dla artystów poniżej 35 roku życia

Kolejna edycja Programu Rozwoju (ADP) dla artystów poniżej 35 roku życia

Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny (EBI) ogłasza kolejną edycję Programu Rozwoju (ADP). Projekt kierowany jest do artystów w wieku poniżej 35 roku życia z Danii, Estonii, Finlandii, Łotwy, Litwy, Polski i Szwecji. Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń mija w niedzielę, 14 lutego o północy.


Szczegóły poniżej.


The European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute is pleased to announce the 2016 edition of its Artists’ Development Programme (ADP), targeting TWO visual artists (aged less than 35) from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

The deadline, fast approaching, for applying is Sunday 14 February at midnight (GMT+1).– please circulate to anyone who might be interested.


The successful applicants will be mentored by internationally acclaimed British artist Darren Almond!



  • Less than 35 years of age at the time of application
  • Nationality of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland or Sweden
  • Fluency in English



  • CV (in English)
  • Scanned copy of the passport or identity card of the applicant evidencing nationality of one of the above-mentioned countries
  • A letter of motivation/intent specifying personal drive and expectations for the programme (maximum 500 words, in English)
  • Portfolio of visual documentation of works best characterising the art of the applicant (in PDF, four A4 pages maximum)
  • Names and contact details of two professional referees, familiar with the art of the applicant
  • A brief reference in the body of the email to how the applicant found out about the programme

For more information please visit our website.

For a short film on the 2014 and 2013 editions of the ADP please see the following link.


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